I am worn out tonight. Tired due to a very sudden family illness in the past week that has had the potential for grave overtones. Tired from listening to politicians make empty promises that we carry to the voting booths and then complain about when they are not brought to fruition. Tired as a middle-aged woman can get. Tired from worry over somebody I hold close in my heart.
Do you get tired? If you say you never get tired, then you're only kidding yourself. Everyone needs rest. No one is exempt. If you say that you are full of energy, that's great; however, you are human and there are times when we all get tired. Energy supplements, vitamins, sunshine, prayer, faith, exercise, yoga, fresh air.....we all believe we have the secret to keep going until we get tired. And then..........we want a nap! (and how often do we really get those naps worked into our busy schedules?)
I do not have a clever topic. I do know that I've mentioned to various friends & family the odd concept of "when I am President" and have had a myriad of reactions from grins to one almost-snorted laughter to a few endorsements and offers of those who are ready to 'write me in.' I'm not ready to run this year, although if the country ever needed someone completely different for the job, that would be yours truly. I'm tired. Want to enjoy my hubby after a few years of various family members having serious illnesses and health crises. So, I'd really rather not run THIS year. Maybe in 2016 or 2020, but not this year.
What's that saying, "Don't put off til tomorrow that which you can do today?" Well, I'm not putting it off, but family first. I want fewer snickers and more nods when I say I may run for President or that someone could write me in! I want to have my personal goals a little bit more in order. I want a nap.
But, on down the road, maybe. And there will be coffee first. No major briefings before 10:00 AM. The press corp will have to behave themselves. People will be expected to support our troops. If you're here illegally, I will expect you to leave in an orderly fashion, or get your paperwork in order. You will be a citizen or you will no longer receive entitlements, period. And I will tell you that if you don't like it here, leave. Find a better country (you won't), but go and quit fussing. Get involved. I will expect that we investigate alternative forms of energy (solar, wind, etc etc etc) while utilizing our own natural resources in an environmentally responsible manner so that our country may profit and save on our own expenses. I will expect people to work and if the work seems beneath you, think back to your ancestors when they arrived here....was there work beneath them when they couldn't yet speak the local language? (I bet some of our ancestors did some things that were pretty darn demeaning to them just to give their descendants a much better life. Suck it up.)
Guess you can tell. I am tired. Hadn't really intended to mention the Presidential stuff, but gosh darn it, SOMEONE has to say it even if I never run. Liberals. Conservatives. Bah. You're all Americans. We all are. Suck it up and fix it. Work together. It's not about who's agenda is better than who's. It's about running our country in a responsible manner so that we can maintain the greatness we once enjoyed. Right now, we are rapidly becoming owned by foreign countries with our national debt and a laughing stock amongst all. We have allowed some basic needs to become unaffordable for our citizens: gasoline for transportation to and from our jobs, medical care for all, and grocery items that have skyrocketed due to transportation costs.
The main political parties need to get it together. Quit pulling apart and figure out how we can work out our differing ideas in a beneficial manner to our citizens. It's not about who introduces the most bills in Congress or gets the most pork for the constituency. It's about running and maintaining a responsible government that allows its citizens to be responsible as well.
Good night. I need sleep.