Vote your conscience, not what mass media and your neighbors tell you.
Vote with your intellect, not with what skewed polls and tricksters might have you believe.
Vote with a love of the United States of America in your heart, not a hatred of a neighbor who believes differently than you.
Vote with integrity, not with what you think the status quo mandates.
Vote with love for your God, your family, your neighbors, your country, not with any contempt in your heart.
Vote. Please. Today, and in every election as each one matters and your vote makes a difference.
Thank you.
On a very personal note, I have my preferred candidate for whom I will vote for President of the United States of America. I have preferred candidates for federal senators/congressmen, state senators/congressmen, local officials. I have witnessed their actions in the past, I have listened to what they promise, I have seen the results good and bad of all those competing for their respective positions. I will vote for those who deliver results, not those who berate their competition and who have spent decades as professional politicians without results. I will vote for those who actually get things done.
In my view, if you have spent 40+ years as a professional politician and haven't corrected the problems for which you blame the other candidate, you need a new job and to bow out of the race.