I am reminded of this today because, today, a special young man in my life turns 30. I cannot help but wonder where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday he met his "oldest friend" as he used to say when he introduced me to his school mates. Just yesterday he was ring bearer in our wedding. Just yesterday I attended his high school graduation party. Just yesterday he got married.
I remember turning 30. Actually I don't. I remember turning 29. My youngest (step)son was a senior in high school and threatened to have it announced at a local sports event that I was turning 30. He didn't do it, but rather had it announced that he wished me a happy birthday. Good kid (wide kid too). After that, turning 30 was a piece of cake. I was already a grandma at 26 (courtesy of the oldest one in my ready-made family). Where do you go after that?
And now, well, now, time flies. My late mum used to say that the older you get the faster time goes. I thought she was nuts at the time. She was right. Time flies. The older I get, the faster it's going.
I'm pushing 50. I don't mind. In fact, I'm rather looking forward to 50. Especially if God continues to bless me with my semi-teenage skin and apparent lack of crows feet. I am blessed. I've lost count of the grandkids, but can name them when asked. I have arthritis and long for a cure. I've had asthma since I was wee little, so am no stranger to chronic illness and treatments for such things, so no big aging surprise there. I'm getting my body back into shape.......it may not be as it was when I was 30, but that is OK. I think I like my body better now. It suits me. I know it and it knows me. Sure, life and time change it, but that goes with being human and having life.
Time flies. Family health crises the past few years really have caused me to take notice of time. Waiting for the paramedics and ambulance a couple years ago and then again this spring, every minute counts and in those minutes, time stops. Maybe that's why it races forward at other moments, the ones we wish would linger, It's a balancing act. I wouldn't trade my time here, maybe rewind and try a re-take on a couple events, but then again, maybe not. "Time waits for no man." Indeed. You get one shot, make it the best.
Whether scarfing down a burger or hugging a child, each act takes up a defined moment of time. Electing a president, burying a beloved pet, interviewing for a job, holding the hand of a friend in a time of need. Each task and event takes time. How much time do we actually give to one another? How much time do we let be stolen from us by useless things? How much time do we let dark emotions steal from the time the goods ones should share? Coffee at a drive-thru vs an extra cup at home with the family? Not only time, but money gets stolen, thrown away, cast off to moments and items that need not interfere with the very best parts of our lives.
Maybe it's time for cutting back on "life in the fast lane." Cutting back on big government. Cutting back on excessive consumerism of "time-saving" gadgets that actually steal our time from living our lives. Cutting back on lost time. Making time for important things: family, friends, food, shelter, clothting, life.
Time flies. Don't lose it. Get out the net and catch it. Use time wisely!