Definition of RACISM per Merriam-Webster Dictionary online
1 : a belief that race
is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and
that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice
or discrimination
I have been accused lately of being racist. Am I?
I was told my recent posts on Facebook demonstrate my racism and show that it is coming out.
What do you think? Please, visit my Facebook page, Kind Readers, and let me know if you think I am a racist? Here is the link: Rita Preston's Views
I'm wondering if the accuser meant that I was racially prejudiced instead of racist. I do not believe one race is superior to another anymore than I believe that men are smarter than women, that blondes are dumber than folks with other hair colors, that brown-eyed folks are warmer than green-eyed folks, that college degrees make someone smarter than someone who has only a high school diploma, that little green men typify life on Mars, that if the sky is blue today it can never be grey with thunder clouds, that 2+2=5, or that the United States of America exists in the southern hemisphere on planet Earth.
I don't care what your eye color is; I don't care what your skin color is; I don't care what your education is.
I want a human being to act like a practical human being with common sense. I want that same human being to be capable of doing the job for which he/she has been hired. If that person is incapable and it was not discovered prior to hiring, then find a replacement and steer the unqualified person to the right position for him/her.
If preachers (here I refer to men and women of the cloth, those who preach a religion, etc.) want to preach the love of God and unity of mankind then they need to do that and live that. Lately there are some prominent ministers spreading division in our country based on the color of the skin of someone who has committed acts such as manslaughter and murder. It seems they make a gigantic public spectacle if a black person (for lack of a term which will suit every reader out there) has been harmed by someone of another ethnicity. In the same venue, these preachers fall quiet when a black person (again, my apologies, I am not labeling; I am pointing out the pictures shown in the media) commits similar crimes against persons of non-black ethnic backgrounds.
I have been sharing this distinction and have been called to account for it as though I am being racist and promoting division. I was further taken to account for having mentioned our illustrious POUSA as falling into the same category as a couple of those famous preachers. True, he is not a minister of the Christian faith, to my knowledge (nor of any other religion of which I've been told); however, he is a leader of many people by having been elected POUSA. By holding that rank, one must hold one's self up rather than further divide people -- was he not originally elected for hope and bring unity? I see more division in this country today than prior to his election. Why is that?
I know, I (a small country community numbers person with a passion for God, Country, Family, and many other things, including writing) do not wish for division, nor do I wish for utopia. I wish for common sense, equal rights, equal application of the laws, and equal representation in our media. All of these items are lacking greatly these days.
Journalism and news reporting should follow their natural course. If one wishes to editorialize, start your own editorial column or blog. Editorializing, spouting one's own opinion, spewing forth drama from various political camps as diversions to actual news are bordering on fraudulent journalism.
My blog clearly states that these are my thoughts, my opinions, and my views. I do my best to write on topics of current importance, based on news articles I have read, or little snippets of fodder I see along the internet. Usually, not always. Some of them make for great debate, some for serious argument, and some, I hope, for serious contemplation.
To be called racist when I describe someone based on his/her skin tone or any other physical feature and in the same conversation wherein I demand equal justice, equal representation, equal time or any other frame of equality is simply ironic. If we are going to attempt to be that "politically correct" in this country, we have already lost our individuality along with our equality. (I shall save the discussion of how inhumane and politically incorrect political correctness actually is for another day.)
If you want equality, it has to be equality across the board, you can't pick and choose when to be equal and when not to be equal. When you dictate your equality, you border on some being more equal than others and that my friends rings reminiscent of communism and/or socialism. Either we are equal or we are not. Our Constitution says we are equal. Don't call me names or label me when I am pointing out inequalities.
I am not racist because I do not like someone who plays at being in charge and can't see his ideas to fruition because he cannot 'work and play well with others.' If he cannot fulfill the duties of the job, he shouldn't have the job. If one cannot glean the cooperation of others, there is usually a reason. Sadly, some may not like the color of his skin, some may not like the look in his eyes, or the way he wears his neckties, but for any POUSA, he needs to be able to work and play well with others if he wants his plans and dreams for his country to be put into a good course of action.
At the present time, I do not work in any job position or volunteer position which puts me into a work relationship with the POUSA so I am not affecting his ability to do his job in the slightest. I have been labeled a racist because I don't care for him and the way he's been doing his job. As I have stated previously, I don't care if he's purple as long as he can do the job.
Am I prejudiced? Nope. If you are straight up with me as a human being, I will be straight up with you. If you are human and pretend to be a sheep, now we might have a problem. If you are a sheep and pretend to be human, again, we might have a problem (most likely in communication). Be who you are, give a damn about my country if you're going to lead it. If you're going to lead my country, then lead, don't play back door games, stand up and be accountable when things go wrong below you. A company is only as good as its leadership; same for the country. If you cannot step up to the plate when it counts (e.g. an embassy under attack and Americans killed on your watch), then you should not have taken the job.
No one leaves the Oval Office a younger person; every single one of them has shown much aging by the time he has left office. It is no easy job if given half the time it deserves and requires.
Am I prejudiced against our currently seated president? In one way: he is not doing well at the job; he is hindering and hurting our economy and morale in my opinion. No, I'm not citing statistics here, I am basing this opinion on the everyday life I see in America: families and individuals struggling to make ends meet, to hold on to their homes if they haven't lost them already, businesses cutting corners to stay afloat, automobile prices that equal the prices of small houses (auto manufacturers should be ashamed of their pricing; after all, they got bailout money so they can stay afloat), rising costs of living that are climbing faster and faster while wages are stagnant, a sequester in place but lavish parties still thrown at the White House, a president who takes his vacations even though there is a sequester, a congress and senate that don't give up summer recess to set a good example and families who have not been able to afford vacations in many years, even a government shutdown because the powers-that-be don't work and play well together.
Am I prejudiced against our congressmen and senators? In one way: they aren't doing their jobs well either. (See paragraph immediately prior to this one.)
Am I racist? NO!!
Am I prejudiced? Maybe. What am I prejudiced against? Leaders of government, pastors/ministers/religious leaders who fall far short of their calling and fail the people they've chosen to lead, some even acting racist against the people they were elected to lead.
Interesting article poking fun at liberals by conservatives: Is it poking fun or does it lend credibility to how many in our country are behaving?
Are YOU racist? Are YOU prejudiced? If so, in what way or ways?