President Trump, impeached and acquitted for the 2nd time before mid-February.
Violence in DC at the chambers of the legislature on January 6, evidence showed pre-planning.
President Biden says he took office with no vaccine in place. Vaccine was first released December 14, 2020.
President Biden signing more executive orders in his first months in office than several presidents put together.
Gasoline prices at the pumps are increasing.
Keystone pipeline shutdown due to President Biden's executive order.
Borders opening up due to President Biden's executive order.
American citizens remain homeless.
The National Guard remains in Washington DC over a month after the inauguration, but why?
Travelers required to have a negative Covid test prior to entering USA, but we're opening up borders.
Some are pushing to change the 2nd Amendment.
Social media sites dropping accounts of various people, some famous, mostly conservative.
Social media sites censoring content that contradicts the accepted beliefs of the liberal media, whether factual or not.
"Fact-checkers" censoring items with which they do not agree.
Social media platforms losing hosts (e.g. Parler kicked off Amazon, but has since found a new host).
Huge push to vaccinate millions of people, a push that was started under the previous (45th) presidential administration.
Republicans in some states censuring, re-evaluating their state elected representatives who voted to convict 45th president.
Americans want to go back to work.
Americans want to go on social outings.
Americans want good food to eat.
Americans want decent housing.
Americans want decent healthcare.
Americans want clothes to wear.
Americans want to live like the rich and famous, without always putting in the work to be the rich and famous.
Americans don't always realize that someone, somewhere, sometime, worked hard for the money that the rich and famous have, even if the current generation inherited it.
Texans are without heat and electricity in the midst of a severe winter storm, and some blame it on the oil and gas industry. What about frozen windmills and snow/ice-covered solar panels?
We need to work toward greener renewable energy, but it must be viable in all weathers, all climates, and be prepared for weather anomalies.
We must keep the public healthy. How about promoting good diets, less preservatives, and organics, rather than modifying foods and adding chemicals?
We must provide decent healthcare for everyone. How about reining in the insurance industry profits and price-gouging of pharmaceutical companies?
We must provide housing, shelter. What about converting now-closed down factories into some pretty cool trendy apartments for those in need?
We need clothes to wear. How about we quit mass-producing some of the ugly things that are on the market and put that money into feeding our homeless? Sorry folks, some of the stuff that is out there in stores, is just ugly, I don't care to which generation you belong!
We must provide food. How about we go about taking good care of crops the way we used to? Genetically modified foods are not what our bodies are designed to digest. (e.g. I never had a wheat/gluten problem until wheat was genetically modified.) Why don't we work to feed our people healthy food instead of chemicals?! Genetically modified crops do not have the insanely high-yields they were supposed to, when first promoted. Let's eliminate corporate farms that don't look at animals as animals, but rather just as numbers and lines on their profit margins. We need to farm responsibly, healthy, and yes, medicate animals when they are sick. (Those that are sick and given medication have to be monitored before they can be released to produce milk etc as is.)
Americans need jobs. Too many states have closed small businesses while catering to big-box stores under the guise of monitoring numbers. Americans who are used to working need and want to support their families need jobs, they do not want more unemployment compensation. They want gainful employment that allows them to feel accomplished.
Americans want to go on social outings. Humans are social creatures and imprisoning us in our own homes makes us cranky and does nothing to build up our own immunity to any viruses. We need to interact with other human beings. Our children need to play with other children. And, our overworked essential workers need a break. Their primary interaction is with the sick or those picking up essential store items. What about our essential workers? They need vacations even more than the rest of us.
I cannot address the entire human population across the globe, but I can tell you that if we continue, we will slowly die off, kill off humanity by hiding from the problems of the world, be it viruses or other social-political crises.
Our state governors, under the Trump administration didn't want the federal government controlling how their states handled the global pandemic. Now that it is the Biden administration, there is noise in the media for the feds to do their part and take control. Somehow they blame former President Trump. That's just silly. He allowed the governors to 'govern' their states. Some did well, others did not. Pennsylvania, New York, and California are three examples of states in which the governors botched things. Just do some internet searches and you'll find their gaffes that have brutally affected their populations.
Now, the feds want to control everything again. Totalitarianism is not the way to go, folks. We need to be free people, whose elected officials actually remember they represent the citizens who elected them, not wherein they think they are smarter and elected to lead us down ridiculous paths of disaster. (I actually heard one elected official on the television discuss how it was his/their job(s) to lead the people, as if we are all stupid. I think he forgot who elected him. His job is to represent the will of those who elected him.)
As for the election last November, I am weary of people saying it was fully legitimate, especially when four years ago those same people whined that that election couldn't have been legitimate. If they truly believe the 2020 election was without mishap, then let each of them send me $100 cash in the mail to my address. Will they trust the postal mail that far? If they truly believe 2020 was a perfect election, then they must agree that President Trump and his administration did things exactly right and ran the agencies better than President Obama's administration did in 2016. Do see where this goes?
You can't have it both ways, folks. Either both elections were spot on, or they both could have had issues.
If you want to push the thought that 2020 was a perfect election, then you must agree that the agencies, governed by the outgoing administration (45th) had things in better order than occurred in 2016. It's comical. It's sad. It's pathetic. Either 2016 and 2020 elections were both perfect, or both were flawed. You can't flip-flop when it suits your agenda.
We need term limits for our legislators. Even for the ones we like. If our presidents have term limits, so should our legislators. It's that simple.
Those who preach unity need to practice unity.
Those who preach peace must exhibit peace.
Those who throw stones must learn forgiveness.
American citizens need sanity, jobs, social interaction, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom to live, freedom to vote with legal identification (like driving a car or buying alcohol), to maintain our country.
Those who seek asylum in our country, need to have the protections afforded them of any victim, but they need to go through due process like those before them and with the intent of becoming productive citizens. Those who send children through dangerous travel zones alone should be reprimanded. Those who come here to have anchor babies should be reprimanded.
Our country cannot afford to give millions upon millions of us free rides. Someone somewhere pays for handout benefits. Those who are working and paying for the benefits through taxes, will wear out, collapse, and give up, and quit at some point. At that point, we will all wish we'd worked harder together, because, by then, no one will take care of any of us. And, we will starve, be homeless, and lack simple amenities in our lives. And we'll be glad of rags to wear and not worry about the ugly clothes in the big-box stores of the past.
Go ahead, preach peace.
Live it. Be it.
but Do Not preach it and exhibit the opposite.
Some of us know the difference. Some of us think for ourselves. Some are not turning a blind eye.
As time passes, more will see the truth when they are hungry, losing homes, losing jobs, and being left in the dirt.
We are a country for all people to be equal. Being equal means we all carry the load. Right now, there are those who want the 'peasant' and middle-class folks to carry the load for those who want the free ride, who feel 'entitled' to special privileges and exemptions.
My fellow American CITIZENS, we need to work, to do our jobs, and to expect others to do the same. We must hold accountable those we elect. If they are not representing us, we must vote them out of office, vote to recall them from office, impeach and convict them if necessary. Those who seek to do harm to our country, must not be permitted to hold office whether they win legitimately or through ill-gotten votes. We must follow legal channels and vote them out, recall them, and remove them from office. We must not break our own laws, for that destroys who we are as Americans. We must hold ourselves to our own laws and show the world that we are who our founders knew we could be. We must follow due course and stand up for our country, through all legal and proper channels.
We must not bury our heads in the sand, but face the music. We have allowed these travesties to occur. We have allowed our minds to be convinced we must live in fear of a virus, when we and our medical community have tools at hand to fight many viruses. We must not live in fear, but rather fight, fight the virus, fight intimidation of communities and those who seek to serve. We must stand up for the oppressed and those who truly seek asylum from persecution. We must stand up for our own farmers, our local business people, and our very selves. We must stand up for the right of every legal citizen to vote.
We, as American citizens, must stand together, not in unity, but as Americans.