I cannot believe that the question being asked was how to better train the police for these situations!!
Why on earth is that the biggest concern? Shouldn't the question be, "Why is there a need to bring police into the schools in the first place?"
Do you know the answer? Because teachers are no longer allowed to discipline their students! No paddling, no sitting in the corner, no recourse for teachers when students misbehave! And heaven forbid, a teacher does punish a student, the parents will sue the teacher, the school, the district etc for abuse of a child.
What is the matter with our society? No one seems to want to be held accountable!
I perfectly understand not wanting my child abused; however, if discipline is not enforced, children learn they can manipulate the people around them. They learn to be irresponsible in their actions. They learn to be irresponsible adults. They become adults who feel "entitled" because they are "above discipline."
Our country needs to put money into education in more ways than one! We need to give teachers respect and the permission to do their job: teach. They cannot be expected to teach when there is disruption, misbehavior and the need to call the police. We cannot say teachers are failing when we do not equip them to do their jobs.
Police do not belong in schools. Teachers and students belong in schools.
Let teachers discipline!