The old thought of March arriving like a lamb meant that it would end like a lion. Likewise, if arrives like a lion, it will exit like a lamb.
Wouldn't you rather have it arrive like a lion and leave like a lamb in the freshness of spring and all that is reborn?
Today is a mystery. Calm weather, warmer temps in my locale, clear roadways, and an approaching winter storm named Titan. Titan.
(The following definition courtesy of
ti·tan noun \ˈtī-tən\ Titan : one of a family of giants in Greek mythology
: an extremely large and powerful person, company, etc.
Full Definition of TITAN1 capitalized : any of a family of giants in Greek mythology born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods 2 : one that is gigantic in size or power : one that stands out for greatness of achievement
Titan is on its way to parts of the USA. Frightened of this giant? Nope. Not this chic. Storms happen. Life happens. It goes on. Weather occurs. We deal with it. If you're used to weather changes, you're prepared. If you live in a utopian climate-controlled bubble somewhere, then this storm might frighten you. Good luck.
What I'm wondering, since Titan was predicted to arrive tonight, the evening of March 1st, does that mean March is entering like a giant lion and the end of the month will have sweet innocent lamb-like weather? Where does one draw the line on time-held hearsay of weather predictions? Most of today has been calm. What if Titan waits to arrive until March 2nd? Does that count as the beginning of the month?
What does all this matter? Lions. Lambs. Titans. Giants. Weather.
Life happens with or without lion/lamb-like weather. Life goes on.
Big things happen. Small things happen. Do we take stock of the big and the little things in life? The rescue of your neighbor's when their house caught fire? The whisper in your ear of your child's scary nightmare with arms tight around your neck? The first spring flower you spot by your door or along the highway on your way to work? The reality of the store being sold out of toilet paper and milk/water just before a big storm hits?
Are you prepared for the storms? Are you prepared for the renewed sensation of good days? Are you prepared for changes in your life? Are you ready for children in your family? Are you ready for divorce? Are you battening hatches against political oppression? Are you stocking up for a lack of electricity and heat? Are ready to grow up and get a job? Are you ready to say 'good-bye' to your parents, a child, a grandchild?
Are you, are any of us ever ready for big storms and small changes? We try to be. We think we are.
In reality, no one human person is ever ready for such changes. We can prepare. We can stock up. We can think it through. Truly, though, the day of change arrives and we want one more second of sunshine, one more breath, one more second being single, another year of school, and so on.
The only thing that makes us ready is stepping into the moment. We face that moment and rise to the occasion. Perhaps we do not succeed as we thought we would, or perhaps we second-guess our preparations, our words, our decisions. Either way, the moment arrives like a winter storm, at a given moment in time that we cannot change. It is up to each of us to weather the storm, to adapt, to become who we are meant to be.
Lion or lamb? Which will you be? A giant, prepared and strong, or a lamb, gentle and adapting?
Didn't know you could be likened to a winter storm, did you? Your life compared to the seasons? Oh sure, we've all heard about May-December romances and the winter of our lives when we get 'old,' but from my humble perspective, our lives mirror the weather, the climate, the change of seasons. Do we mature, do we wither? Do we blossom? Do we allow ourselves to create fruitful lives?
We make choices everyday. The weather happens. Do we live as the weather, just letting life happen or do we utilize our ability to make changes in our personal weather patterns?
Do we allow ourselves to walk as thunderclouds, scaring those around us or do we walk in the light, spreading the seeds of good will to strangers as well as those we hold dear.
Our personal weather patterns are up to us. Titan-like lions or Lamb-like souls......or lambs who know when to growl like lions? Are you a giant of person? The choice is yours. Human life is short and fragile. Make the best of it. Shout your love like a lion and swallow your anger like a lamb. Choose wisely. You won't get a do-over on those final good-byes.