Go ahead, read this article. I'm hoping desperately that you, a human being with common sense, can see the flaws and insanity of this proposal.
Clearly common sense is lacking in Washington DC these days.
The family farm has been being squeezed into non-existence slowly and surely by conglomerate farming for many years now. Is this another ploy by our current government to institute socialistic endeavors: large farms, entitlements, equality?
This is not equality. This is big government killing off a way of life. A way of life which fosters family, responsibility, accountability, integrity, humanity.
Were it not for farmers, we, the general populace, would not eat. It is that simple.
I am a farmer's daughter and damn proud of that. There is nothing greater than seeing a newborn calf take its first wobbly steps, seeing the first beans sprout up out of the garden that you carefully planted under Mom and Dad's watchful eyes, drinking Mom's sweet lemonade to quench your thirst after hauling hay in the summer sun and unloading it into the mow (covered in sweat and hay chaf), knowing that when you work the dirt you are wearing the cleanest dirt there is.....
Prohibiting family farm children, 4-H and FFA members, and others from allowing children to do farm chores is simply wrong. It's weird. It's odd. What kind of mentality would think up such a crazy scheme? It is not natural. This proposal must not pass!!
Please contact your Congressmen, your Senators, your President, and the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and let them know they've been smoking something funny and need to get this idea off the table before they cause further harm to our society and our farming rural roots.
Thank you!