- Our country, the good ole USA is in trouble and many are content to sit by and watch waiting for someone to do something.
- Our healthcare system is a mess and getting worse.
- Our government is showing serious of signs of comedic stupidity. (meaning: it is so stupid it is laughable)
- Our country is being overrun by illegal persons who have no intention of becoming citizens and working hard; rather, they are choosing to come here and bleed our country dry through our "entitlement programs." We are known as the hand-out nation. Come, and we will give you much while our own people suffer.
- Our own people, legal citizens, are falling into a trapped lifestyle of "gimme more, gimme more."
- The rest of our citizenry still believe in the American dream, hard work, and the pursuit of happiness (not guarantee of happiness) and are slowing failing in an economic plan that will kill off the money supply.
- Government legislators recently caused an uproar over the US Olympic team's uniforms being made in China; yet our people do not even know all the details of a health care plan being crammed down our throats. What a time for our legislators to worry about clothing made overseas!! How many of our purchased goods are made overseas, yet there's not been a fuss until now. Trying to distract us perhaps? (Shortly after the President signed an Executive Order giving him power over ALL communications, e.g. cell phones, internet, media.....)
We Americans are never happy: it's too hot, it's too cold, it rains too much, there's no rain, someone else got a pay raise, our car isn't as nice, the neighbor has a pool, the guy at work smokes, and etc. Then, there are those who complain about religious denominations: but we don't complain about cult members running for office, or leaders who support those of terroristic-based philosophies stemming from other religions; and, heaven forbid, we include God in our Pledge of Allegiance!
Apparently, we've forgotten what our Declaration of Independence says from history classes long ago!
When we will learn???
Think. Read. Educate. Listen. Don't sit there complacently waiting for someone to do something. Each one of us is part of the answer. Our leaders are elected by us, "we the people," and they must be accountable to us, to their country and countrymen. They are to listen and govern intelligently, not idly and without knowledge of those they govern and without knowledge of the laws they enact.
YOU and I, each of us has a responsibility to ourselves, to our children, our families, our friends, our enemies to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America, keep the USA as a land of the free, home of the brave..............not the land of the freeloaders and home of the taxed.