Sick. Hungry. Homeless. Cold.
What do all these things have in common? They all take time. Where do spend yours?
Utilizing technology? Helping those in need?
How much time do you save with these time-saving devices? How much time do you waste with them?
How much time do you devote to helping your fellow humans in need?
Have you ever been in need? Did someone help you? If they did, have you ever passed the kindness on to someone else? If they didn't, don't you wish they had?
You still can. You can help someone. You can help more than one.
Put your technology to work. Find a charity. Donate some money. Better yet, donate your time.
Work in a food kitchen. Donate clothing to a homeless shelter. Visit the sick.
Sure, someone else could. Someone else should.
Who is someone? YOU are. You are someone. Remember all those self-esteem teachings? You ARE someone.
Don't let technology rob you of your humanity. Use it. Use it wisely.