I wish Mr. Santorum had continued - he had the potential and skills, just not the big money-kissing-money endorsements. With all that has gone on with his youngest daughter's health, I cannot find fault with Mr. Santorum's decision. Not one bit. Watching serious illness within my own family and a firm belief in family first, I can applaud Mr. Santorum for sticking by his values.
I can also tell you that when Pennsylvania has its primary election in a couple weeks, I will NOT vote for Mr. Romney. (At this late date, I am sure Mr. Santorum will still be on the ballot......yes, there is a twinkle in my eye: I may have to vote for Mr. Santorum anyway!) Maybe I will write in a name, but I will NOT vote for Mr. Romney.
Mr. Romney waffles on issues. I get the impression of a Democrat in Republican clothing.
Quite frankly, I don't care for Mr. Romney's demeanor -- too shiney, looking past you with a picture perfect smile, but looking past you, not at you. Following one set of primaries, his wife (supposed to introduce him) thanked all the supporters in the various states. I was amused to hear TV commentators mention that Mr. Romney's thank-you speech was well-presented.....by his wife. The candidate should have been doing the thanking that night.
And then there's that "money thing" as I call it.......money should not be a key issue in an election, but it surely is in this election. The candidate's qualifications, presentation, and track record should be the factors. Sadly, it appears that big money puts big money into a shiney pretty candidate who will play to big money after election. Whatever happened to Abraham Lincoln's method of walking the countryside and meeting citizens during the campaign?
I'm thinking if I were to run, it would be different, very DIFFERENT: maybe my hubby and I could take off on the bike and travel the country (something we've always wanted to do) and meet the public. No "super-pac" for me, thank you! If you were to like me, my ideas, my experiences, then vote for me based on me, not based on fancy money-based endorsements. Aaahhhhh, that is, IF I were to run. As I said in a previous post, this would not be a good year for me to run, although I'm very dissatisfied with the slimming options for presidential candidates.
Now that Mr. Santorum has suspended his campaign, I am truly wondering if there will be anyone for whom I can cast a vote by November.
I wish my fellow voters good luck in casting their ballots. Not an easy task, but a privileged duty for all American citizens. Study the candidates and make a well thought-out decision before you cast that vote. Remember, we shall all be living with each individual's part in a national decision. It will be on the conscience of each of us in coming years.
Vote, wisely.