When was the last time you went on vacation? When was the last time you felt you could afford it? How much have you been finding the need to charge on a charge or credit card, just to pull off the vacation to which your family has become accustomed? Hurts, doesn't it?
And the President is on vacation.
What are you doing this summer? Staying home? Traveling shorter distances? Have you been able to take the trip of a lifetime or perhaps several trips? What are you doing this summer?
Vacations are sooooo very nice, aren't they? Escape reality for a little while. Relax. Ignore the world. No bills to pay.
The President is on vacation.
What are you doing this summer again? Our family gave up seeing our grandkids, thanking the economy and rising costs of insurances and daily necessities. We wanted to see them, thought we could do it. Schedules, commitments, and economy all added together squashed that lovely idea. Schedules. Commitments. Economy.
The President is on vacation.
Let's face it, being the President is a tough job. Someone has to do it. Everyone who's held the office in my lifetime seems to come out looking far older than when he entered the office. It's tough being a world leader. It's tough coming up with winning ideas and plans and seeing that they actually work. It's tough sharing hopes and dreams that have no basis in what actually works. It's tough taking on a job for which you have no basic experience. It's tough promoting change that doesn't happen.
The President is on vacation.
Everyone deserves a vacation, a break, a respite. Everyone. The President, the Congress, the Senate, THE WORKING AMERICAN. What are you doing this summer? Can you afford a vacation this year? It seems our politicians can.
From my back porch to yours, I'll raise a glass of water to toast you, my fellow working American as we camp out at home this year. To those who've squeaked out a vacation this year in this economy, I give you three cheers for pulling it off!! May we all get a vacation someday. Maybe next election?