This December, when the stores are crowded, and people are cranky, remember that each person loves someone (even if just themselves) and they may be fraught with worry, joy, or other emotions, just like you.
Take a deep breath, smile, and let someone go ahead of you in line.
Don't race for the perfect parking spot; instead, walk a little further (walking is good for you, hello!!) and maybe you've saved a space for someone who is hurting.
Drink a glass of water, good ol' H2O before you go to bed. Sure, you want to enjoy the holiday parties, and maybe drink a little too much of some spirits, or eggnog, but drink that glass of water before bedtime. You'll thank yourself in the morning.
Say a prayer when you awaken. Of course, I pray to God and believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour, so I'm a bit partial. But, whatever you do, pray!! Take a deep breath before your feet hit the floor and say a prayer to God, by whatever name you address Him. Thank Him for waking up and look forward to His presence in your day. Then, don't forget to look for it.
Focus not on the dollar amount of what you give, or worse yet, what you receive. Focus on the love, the time with someone (even if a stranger), the world around you.
In fact, forget the wish list!!! Why do we "want" anyway? How about what you can do for someone else, just do SOMETHING. Hold a door, hail a cab for someone in need and pre-pay the fare, buy a meal for a person on the street (and sit with them....yes, join them for a meal out of the cold), drop something in a bucket for a charity, go online and donate to a charity or more than one, don't buy a new coat, but wear yours one more year and buy a brand new one for someone in need, invite someone alone (how about a soldier in your area) to your big fancy Christmas dinner).
There are so many things you can do. You will be amazed at how much more you enjoy the season. "Elf" someone, i.e., drop a present off at at someone's house. Help Santa. Surprise someone and never let your secret out. You will smile for a year. (It doesn't have to be a huge dollar gift, but a gift that matters to the recipient.)
It doesn't matter your faith background, the holiday you observe, just DO. GIVE. LOVE.
Support those who fight for your freedoms to have more than one religious holiday, to worship, to share, to love, to think. Thank a veteran or soldier for their service.
Instead of a wishlist, make a give-list. Enjoy!!