VOTE!!! Get out there and be counted!
And, I encourage you not to be fooled by a very liberal Republican nominee for President that he represents the conservative ideals of the Republican Party. He appears largely to be a Democrat in Republican garb. Now of course, that isn't only this bloggers sole opinion. Start really reading the reports that are out there. Don't just rely on one or two major television networks to tell you who is clearly leading or who is clearly the party's choice. The media has an agenda also - and they will lean to the liberal side. Read the polls. Read the statistics. Read the history.
And when Tuesday comes around, note that most likely Mr. Santorum is still on the ballot. I'm guessing it was too late to remove him when he suspended his campagin. Note: he suspended the campaign. He has said the battle is not over. Last I heard, he hasn't endorsed any of the other Republican candidates.
IF Mr. Santorum is not on the ballot, you, the voter, have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice! I encourage you to do so and let your voice be heard!! Do not let that other "leading candidate" think that all of us in PA love him and want his false brand of conservatism.
I certainly will NOT vote for that other candidate. You have a voice. Use it.
IF you do NOT vote, then do NOT complain after the election. Do not gripe if we end up with four more years of a messed up economy, a growing over-powerful government, forced healthcare in which no one benefits except the pharmaceuticals and the insurance companies, continued numbers of unemployed, and general disarray for our country.
If you do not vote, then shut your mouth about it all after the election. Who will want to listen to you then?
Voting is your right, your privilege, your duty to yourself and to your country. Don't waste it.
YOU MATTER. So does your vote.