I maintain it is both.
We live in a free country, which gives each of us here (citizens, those who are legally here, not those who sneak in to reap undeserved entitlements) the right to vote.
It is a privilege, granted to those who live in free countries, free of puppet governments.
And, it is more, it is an honor of which so many fail to appreciate.
We can and should, yea, we must vote. It is what separates us from so many other countries!
If we fail to vote, we demean outselves. We cheat ourselves. We cheat our existence. We fail to appreciate our very lives as free people.
There are elections coming up this year - of historic proportion. We can continue under the guise of change and false smiles, or we can elect someone who gives a damn about this country and her people. Right now there are a lot of fake smiles, blank eyes promising us wonderful entitlements and hope of things to come. How long will we allow ourselves to hear what we want to hear, knowing it just isn't true?
This country was founded on hard work, hard decisions, taking risk. Our founding fathers didn't believe in handing out "freebies" to every person who landed on our shores. Everyone was welcome, but all would work and we would look out for our neighbors. Most modern politicians seem to have missed that point.
I'm not interested in politicians who smile a lot, who make promises we know they will not keep.
I want a sound government with the checks and balances the founding fathers designed: an executive branch, a legislative branch, and a judicial branch, each with their own jobs and not trying to assume the others'. I want an Executive leader who can work hard with the legislative and judicial branches to solve problems, not make idle promises, one who is willing to be disliked when fixing the wrongs of past generations, one who does not assume that smiles and promises equal strength in country.
VOTE. I shall. Will you?
Vote. That's where it starts. Not in name-calling and mud-slinging politics. Vote. Each citizen has the right, yes, the privilege to vote. You MUST vote. This is your country. If you do not vote for the candidate who will actually work FOR this country, then you must be prepared when you see more foreclosures, cannot afford to drive your decade old car to to work with rising fuel costs, and lose your freedoms one-by-one. And then, when that happens, you can thank yourself, the American vote for losing your honor, your privileges, your rights. And where will you go then?