I used to be outspoken and then entered a quieter phase of my life. Now then, some of my close friends and family will argue that point! (When am I ever quiet??) As far as how I view myself, I have perceived myself to be quieter for a time. That time is now over.
Looking at today's world economy, the never-ending political mud-slinging, the debates over minorities and majorities, the battles of religions, the abundance of dysfunctional families, the everyday joys of children in our lives, the need to preserve and improve our way of life, and my sheer frustration with many things going on in this world, the time for the "quiet" me has passed. World, country, state, county, community, family, friends, acquaintances, I have a mouth, a brain, and views -- I am about to open that mouth, use my brain, and share my views!
First of all, with presidential primaries underway in my beloved country, let the mud-slinging and negativity stop. Candidates and their committees should be permitted solely to share their strategies, backgrounds, and viewpoints. At NO time should a candidate's advertising point negative fingers at other candidates. No name-calling, No pointing out the other person's flaws, No ranting about the opponent.
Candidates are human and will, over time, expose their own natural flaws. Tell me, the voter, why you should hold office and then substantiate it.
By the way, I am proud to be an American citizen!! Born here, descended of immigrants. Proud of my heritage of hard work to live the American dream. This country needs to put ourselves back to the image of hard work so we can live that dream.