Children: The inbetween baby and grown-up stages of same creatures. They have learned to say "no," to sass, to think.
Grown-ups: The enlarged version of children - many times portraying themselves a mature, but, in reality, still behaving as children who have not learned all they should have during their formative years.
Wherefrom do babies come? The stork? Under a cabbage leaf in the garden? From Mama's tummy? How in the heck did Mama get a baby inside her? Does she eat children? How did Daddy put a baby in Mama's tummy?
There's a lot to be said about babies and where they come from, isn't there?
And then there are those who want to argue about when life actually begins. I've seen a couple picture on Facebook recently of fetuses (the technical term for the unborn baby) at 12 weeks gestation held in the palm of someone's hand. Sure look like babies to me.
About Day 21 in the embryo/fetus' development the heart is beating. Organs, details etc have been developing from the moment of conception. The brain is is devloping. And yet, people say this tiny creature is not alive. Hmmm.....Must one be able to survive outside the womb to be considered a living organism? What about anaerobic infections that survive without air? They get treated with special classes of antiobiotics to KILL THEM. So, if you think about it, other things are alive inside the human body and we kill them off. Having the protective shell of the human does not mean you do not have life.
Now, I know there are horrific situations that yield pregnancy. Horrific: rape, incest, abuse. Drug-induced stupidity. Oh wait, that doesn't count. Getting high, getting laid, and getting pregnant doesn't count as horrific. That just counts as not thinking.
I'm talking about horrific: violent acts, sinister acts which end in pregnancy.
Thankfully, I have not been a victim of rape or incest yielding pregnancy.
I am a woman. And, I can tell you, being female, I wouldn't want someone incapable of pregnancy (i.e., a man) telling me what I could do after becoming a victim of violence. Hopefully, I could carry that child to term and let it go to a family which would not have that victimized predjudice towards that young being. BUT, I don't know how I would feel. I have not walked in those shoes.
I was the victim of a stalker who went to jail for a short time -- technically harrassment charges because of his mental challenges and intent is hard to prove in Pennsylvania. I do know I lived in constant fear, sheer terror, lost weight, couldn't sleep, changed my entire life to keep him away from me. I was terrified of any reminder of him for a very long time. I cannot fathom if he had raped me and impregnated me, what my thoughts would have been.
I can honestly say I am Pro-Life, for all ages, all creatures. I also know that sometimes horrific choices have to be made when it comes to life. A military leader has to make the choice to send soldiers into combat facing possible and likely death. Insects must be eliminated if humans are to have food to eat. That said, if that unborn child would have an horrific life by being born, is the more Christian thing to let it go early? I believe that is between the mother, the baby, whoever assists in the abortion, and God. God will welcome the murdered child. The woman will have to live with her choice for the rest of her life, wondering what would have become of that child had she let it live. The "doctor" (sworn to protect and preserve life) must live with the failure to his oath. And, in the end God will judge each one, there's no getting around that. Judgement day will come. Not by fellow man, but by God alone.
If I were to run for public office, some migth say that I cannot be on both sides of the fence. I tell you I can. As a stepmother who would have loved to have given birth to a child or children, but never knew how much I could love children I did not bear until I became that stepmother and would give my life to protect them. I believe in adoption and step-parenting. I believe in loving children.
I believe that when there is violence no man or woman can rule over the mother and baby as they ponder the baby's existence. I believe there should be a support network to help the mama weigh the options. Sadly, in today's global world, those networks have fallen aside in lieu of those who try to pretend there simply is no life until birth.
So, there you have it. A tough topic no matter the day. Just had to say something. No doubt, I will revisit this subject again.
My prayers to all who miss a child this day.