We weren't always idiots, we started out as homeless waifs looking for a better life, as rebels wanting religious freedom, as natives of this land. Somewhere along the line we have become complacent idiots.
We say things like, "My vote doesn't count," "there's no stopping the government," "there's no use arguing with the government," "people just don't care anymore," "young people nowadays don't understand work...." You get the idea.
We, all of us, have become complacent. We quit believing in the American way: come to America, work hard, and live the American dream of freedom from religious persecution and providing a better life for our children. Now, we get by. Many of us paycheck to paycheck, one paycheck away from from financial and personal disaster. We've tied our emotions, our sense of well-being into our finances in an inexplicable way. Our economy has turned downward and with it, our outlooks.
How did the generation of The Great Depression survive it? They worked HARD. They scrimped, they did without......so their children might eat and have at least one outfit for school that was washed weekly, many times in an old wringer washer or by hand. Having more than one outfit in high school was for the well-to-do. How did they get through gas-rationing, sugar-rationing? Because they BELIEVED in America, they believed in doing all they could as individuals to help the war effort when WWII came along, even though they would do without more luxuries just as they had in the depression.
Do we still believe in America? Do we believe in hard work, doing without, the betterment of others, of freedom for all?
Oh sure, I hear a lot of people say how hard they work...and still have nothing. Yet, they have a roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, vehicles to drive, etc. Not every item may be shiney new, but who are we to put our noses in the air? Really now. Who do we think we are? Are we entitled to perfection? NO!
Our founding fathers didn't promise Utopia. They promised the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They did not guarantee perfection. Pursuing happiness requires hard work.
Somewhere along the line we all seem to have come to the idea that "someone owes me." REALLY? From what planet did you fall?
Those who collect entitlement benefits feel entitled to them....some of them are on the second or third generation of entitlements and know no other way of life but the handouts, and they will tell you those handouts simply are not good enough. Those who work hard for the "things" in their lives will tell you they should get some handouts because they work hard and have earned "something" from our governent.
Guess what? SOMEBODY has to pay for the freebies. We are running out of people with jobs to pay the freebies. Soon, hopefully soon, SOMEONE will realize we all are supposed to be pursuing happiness by our own hard work with our own darned hands. Hopefully soon, before we completely crash and kill off our way of life. We are dangerously close my readers. Dangerously close. When employers have to layoff workers and close up shop because no one can afford certain products it impacts other industries. It becomes not a trickle-down, but a complete run-off......which leads to a flood of homeless, hungry, naked people. Sounds a bit like a third-world country, doesn't it?
That is where we Americans, a complacent society of entitled idiots, are headed if we don't pull our shit together. Yes, I said shit. Every good redneck out there should understand that. We cannot allow our government to create and encourage entitlements. We need to financially encourage businesses to stay open so we, who work, have jobs. We need to quit being the world's financier so that we can work on our own debt. We need to add proportionate tariffs to goods we sell overseas to those coming in from other countries: fair and equal trade. We need to bring AmericanWe need to work.
We need to pursue happiness before we never know what it is again.