I would love to write and say, "Let's celebrate" but I cannot do that, not this year. This is a presidential election year, "Obamacare" was upheld as a tax (taxation on the lack of a purchase), our economy is still struggling, too many people seem blind to the socialization of our country (removal of the democracy), double-standards are rampant, and people (human beings like you and me) are falling through the cracks of statistics. (Just as a side note, my spell-check program wanted to auto-correct "Obamacare" to "macabre." Amazing the similarity in both spelling and intent!)
This July 4th may we all remember what occurred 236 years ago in this country. Our founding fathers prepared and put forth the Declaration of Independence! They gave us certain rights and freedoms which we lacked under the oppression of a monarchy across the ocean. They gave us the right to not suffer taxation without representation. They gave us the right to free speech. They gave us the right to bear arms. The list goes on. They didn't create such statements without serious thought to the future our our country and her people. They were wise.
I believe they were doing their very best to make sure some of the falsehoods and tragedies we are seeing forced through by "executive" privilege these days could not happen. Our founding fathers created a triangle government: executive, legislative, and judicial to avoid an over-powerful leader as we had been under from England. Those three branches of government were to be a check-and-balance to one another.
Bear in mind, I am trying to keep this as simple as possible dear readers. Our country is changing rapidly, on a downhill spiral away from an awesome system set up by very wise men, all in the name of taking care of those who now arrive illegally, who do not work (and care not to work), by labeling them as the needy for whom we must care. I am consistently amazed that we, although we used to be the most powerful nation on earth, are losing our ground (rapidly) and that the American people sit by and watch it happen as if it's just another movie with a happy ending coming up.
If our country continues in this fashion there will be no happy ending and with today's technology it will be too late to regain our status and way of living by the time we do wake up. I pray for our country every day for she is my home and pray she has the strength within her to stand up to tyranny of all forms, to maintain the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (Note, the founding fathers stated the pursuit of happiness, not the right to happiness. Happiness cannot be guaranteed nor handed out.)
May we realize that there are a lot of "moochers" in our country who are stealing our way of life, who are breaking the bank, and who in the end will end up as poor as those of us who work and support them once the government is fully bankrupt. Those of us who work and pay our taxes are held accountable, so too should everyone within our borders - illegals need to become legal if they want to stay here - illegality prevents you from benefits, but somehow they are rising through the cracks while American citizens are falling through the cracks.
I show photo I.D. for many purposes, I have NO PROBLEM with showing photo I.D. to vote. Why would anyone else? Unless you are illegal and want to cheat the system. If one votes illegally, then isn't that cheating to win an election? We teach our children not to cheat in board games and in life, why should we let them see our elected officials and illegal persons cheat our country out of our way of life?
I wish each one of you a Happy 4th of July and pray we can always celebrate this date!