My apologies for the time gap since last post. Long story short, November has been a difficult month for many people I know and others whose stories I've been hearing. We had two deaths in my family on the same day earlier this month, along with the two funerals on the same day a few days later. A charity event in our community, two emergency trips to the veterinary for both our dogs (not the same day), 3 trips a week for neck and back treatments, and other family worries occurring.
Please accept my apologies for my not having been in the mood to write.
I hope you voted on November 6th. I did. After the two funerals that day. I am not satisfied with the outcome of the election and find it to be a sad turn of events for our country as a whole. I pray for those who have not yet realized the folly of their voting decision. I pray for our country. This is the hand we've been dealt though, and find a way to survive, I pray we can. I mourn for the sad financial state of our country and those who would lead us to believe the mounting debt and lack of jobs is improvement. (Some have told me I'm a sore loser and I need to get over it and move on... Our country cannot move forward no matter what the sitting president's logo was. You cannot move forward when unemployment continues to rise, national debt continues to rise, and healthcare is so pitifully lacking and getting worse.)
So, in short, I am dissatisfied with November 2012. I don't like to lose people I love even though I know they were Christians ready to move to a better place than here. I don't like watching people and animals suffer. I don't like seeing my country in turmoil and the wrong leadership in place. I don't like being chastised for loving my family. There's a lot of "I don't likes" going around, not all mine!
People seem very grumpy this month, especially since the election. Not just me, but others. They've had family crises, heartaches, frustrations, job losses, health worries, scares, and frustrations.
I'm hoping December will bring back the spirit of Christmas into our hearts and allow us all to see the light of God in our everyday lives, to see the love around us, from those we love. I'm hoping we can find a way to aid our country. I'm hoping we can find a way to ease grief (heaven knows, 3 days off work doesn't ease grief). I'm hoping we can work with others rather than immediately finding fault in their words and deeds. I'm hoping for a merry Christmas (not the secular happy holiday, but a Blessed and Merry Christmas for all!)!!!
And, it is time to light the lights, let our lights shine and celebrate! May November go out like a lamb to usher in this glorious time of year! Prayers for all tonight.